10 research outputs found

    WEB Based Monitoring System for SFP Interface Traffic, Case Study in Riyad Network Banyuwangi

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    PT Riyad Network Multi Teknologi is a company that provides internet services, commonly known as an ISP (Internet Service Provider), in Banyuwangi. This company uses MikroTIK as network management, which has an SFP interface. Through this SFP, the fiber optic network is connected to a router in their network. Therefore, traffic monitoring is needed to maintain and monitor the condition of the internet services provided. In addition, this company also does not have a notification system if there is a problem on their network. This research designs and implements a monitoring system through an SFP interface combined with a troubleshooting notification system. This monitoring requirement is very necessary for continuous maintenance or monitoring of the network, so research on the SFP Interface Monitoring System on Web-Based MikroTIK Routers at this company will be very useful. This monitoring system was created using the PHP framework codeigniter 3. The purpose of this system is to make it easier to see traffic monitor data and Rx/Tx power SFP. Moreover, the results and testing of the system-built show that the system can monitor well the problem occur in the network beside that the notification can inform to the maintenance team when problem occur

    Performance of Implementation IBR-DTN and Batman-Adv Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks is a network which has high mobility and flexibility network. In Wireless mesh networks nodes are free to move and able to automatically build a network connection with other nodes. High mobility, heterogeneous condition and intermittent network connectivity cause data packets drop during wireless communication and it becomes a problem in the wireless mesh networks. This condition can happen because wireless mesh networks use connectionless networking type such as IP protocol which it is not tolerant to delay. To solve this condition it is needed a technology to keep data packets when the network is disconnect. Delay tolerant technology is a technology that provides store and forward mechanism and it can prevent packet data dropping during communication. In our research, we proposed a test bed wireless mesh networks implementation by using proactive routing protocol and combining with delay tolerant technology. We used Batman-adv routing protocol and IBR-DTN on our research. We measured some particular performance aspect of networking such as packet loss, delay, and throughput of the network. We identified that delay tolerant could keep packet data from dropping better than current wireless mesh networks in the intermittent network condition. We also proved that IBR-DTN and Batman-adv could run together on the wireless mesh networks. In The experiment throughput test result of IBR-DTN was higher than Current TCP on the LoS (Line of Side) and on environment with obstacle.Keywords: Delay Tolerant, IBR-DTN, Wireless Mesh, Batman-adv, Performanc

    Design of Flood Warning System Based IoT and Water Characteristics

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    Indonesia is one of the tropical country with high rainfall. It causes a flood disaster that with the loss of property and life. Currently handling flood disasters in developing countries are still using many conventional ways. By using conventional way the flood early warning system is still not able to reach the wider community so that information too late of impending disaster received by the public. Besides that the speed of information is needed in the handling of disasters. Therefore a rapid flood warning system that can reach a wide area such as the internet is necessary to minimize the effects of disasters. IoT (Internet of Thing) is smart technology which has capability to send data in real time, connected to the smart phone, sensor and web service. This ability can be used for smart application to control and manage an early warning system. In this research we also use IoT technology to monitor and control the early detection system of flood disaster. By using IoT technology, sensor data can be sent in real time from sensor to smartphone through internet network. The sensor data contains the water characteristics data on the dam that will be processed in the data base. The processing data of water characteristic will be a decision of hazard level. That decision will be sent to users as notification into the user smartphone application. This research will be useful for deeply research on disaster management system and flood early detection system in Indonesia

    WEB Based Monitoring System for SFP Interface Traffic, Case Study in Riyad Network Banyuwangi

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    PT Riyad Network Multi Teknologi is a company that provides internet services, commonly known as an ISP (Internet Service Provider), in Banyuwangi. This company uses MikroTIK as network management, which has an SFP interface. Through this SFP, the fiber optic network is connected to a router in their network. Therefore, traffic monitoring is needed to maintain and monitor the condition of the internet services provided. In addition, this company also does not have a notification system if there is a problem on their network. This research designs and implements a monitoring system through an SFP interface combined with a troubleshooting notification system. This monitoring requirement is very necessary for continuous maintenance or monitoring of the network, so research on the SFP Interface Monitoring System on Web-Based MikroTIK Routers at this company will be very useful. This monitoring system was created using the PHP framework codeigniter 3. The purpose of this system is to make it easier to see traffic monitor data and Rx/Tx power SFP. Moreover, the results and testing of the system-built show that the system can monitor well the problem occur in the network beside that the notification can inform to the maintenance team when problem occur


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    Pembelajaran merupakan hal yang utama dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan, sehingga proses pembelajaran yang baik akan menghasilkan lulusan yang baik pula. Namun demikian banyak temui sekolah-sekolah yang proses pembelajarannya masih konvensional dan salah satunya di SMK NU Rogojampi. Keadaan ini tentu saja perlu diperbaiki dengan meningkatkan sarana pembelajarannya untuk meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar. Oleh sebab itu melalui program pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung dan meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar di Mitra. Program bertujuan menerapkan pembelajaran daring (on line) dengan membangun sebuah portal e-learning untuk membantu proses belajar mengajar. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan penerapan pembelajaran daring menggunakan moodle sebagai aplikasi Learning Mangement Sytem (LMS). Target kegiatan ini adalah guru dan siswa di SMK NU Rogojampi dan luaran kegiatan penggunaan pembelajaran daring untuk meningkatan proses belajar mengajar.Keywords— e-learning, SMK, Learning Mangement Syte,Moodl


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    Temperature and humidity are very influential on the success of rice plants. For that it is important to always be monitoring both aspects so that the production of rice crops can increase. And to perform the monitoring required equipment that is flexible, easy and cheap in implementing it. Therefore, in this research was made a temperature monitoring equipment and pH based on embedded system and wireless mesh. The use of embedded systems is small but power-packed for certain functions, and wireless mesh has a high flexibility to apply in rural areas such as rice fields. In this research is done in several stages: literature study, analysis and design of embedded sensor, system development, system testing and ending with reporting and publication. At the testing stage will be done in two different locations namely in LAB Informatics Engineering and on the farm site. In addition, the parameters analyzed at the time of testing are the temperature and pH readability stability, the influence of wireless mesh distance to the reading quality, the influence of the number of hops and the influence of wireless mesh routing protocols. After testing and analysis will eventually be obtained a temperature monitoring equipment and pH is reliable, stable, with the characteristics of distance, hop count and optimum routing protocol. This research will provide great benefits to the world of agriculture therefore it is very important to do this research and will provide benefits to the general publi

    Pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Pada Sistem Pertanian Hidroponik Skala Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Singonegaran Kota Banyuwangi

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    Salah satu pertanian urban farming adalah teknik pertanian hidroponik. Sistem tanam hidroponik adalah budidaya tanaman dengan akar tergenang air mengalir sehingga tanaman dapat memperoleh cukup nutrisi dan oksigen. Sistem hidroponik ini didukung sirkulasi aliran air yang baik dengan pemanfaatan energi matahari dengan sistem solar panel untuk mensuplai listrik pada pompa listrik. Pemanfaatan energi terbarukan tersebut menghasilkan pengembangan pertanian sistem hidroponik dapat di cukupi energi secara mandiri tanpa harus dukungan listrik dari luar (PLN). Kemandirian suplai listrik dalam sistem pertanian hidroponik ini memudahkan menentukan kebutuhan sistem energi yang diperlukan. Kegiatan pengabdian diselenggarakan untuk masyarakat kelurahan Singonegaran dengan memberikan bimbingan teknis cara budidaya tanaman. Peralatan media tanam dengan antara lain : Pipa PVC 3inch, Netpot, Rockwool,TDS-3, Pompa listrik, timba, Solar Panel, SCC, baterai, kabel dan Nutrisi ABmix. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan 3 tahap (sosialisasi, praktek dan monitoring). Setiap tahapan mempunyai peran penting untuk mewujudkan tanaman hidroponik ini berkembang dengan baik. Setiap pertumbuhan sayuran Hari Setelah Tanam (HST) mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik dengan ciri daun yang lebar dan kehijauan. Pemberian nutrisi yang tepat dengan pengecekan berkala setiap minggu manjadi jaminan tumbuh kembang tanaman sehat. Pengawasan cukup kebutuhan Nutrisi mingguan pada tanaman dengan mengukur 550ppm sampai dengan 1100ppm hingga tanaman siap dipanen.Melakukan kegiatan pertanian di daerah perkotaan dikenal dengan urban farming dimana salah satu teknik yang digunakan adalah sistem pertanian hidroponik metode NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). NFT adalah suatu metode budidaya tanaman dengan akar tanaman tumbuh pada lapisan nutrisi yang dangkal dan tersirkulasi sehingga tanaman dapat memperoleh cukup air, nutrisi, dan oksigen. Sistem hidroponik ini didukung sirkulasi air yang baik dengan pemanfaatan energi matahari pada sistem sel surya untuk mensuplai listrik pada pompa air. Pemanfaatan energi terbarukan dapat menghasilkan pengembangan pertanian sistem hidroponik dapat di cukupi energi secara mandiri tanpa harus dukungan listrik rumah (PLN). Kemandirian suplai listrik ini tidak terkendala jika aliran PLN jika terjadi pemadaman dan kendala jaringan listrik.  Media tanam hidroponik yang diberikan adalah seprangkat media tanam dengan rincian : Pipa PVC beserta tutupnya 5buah, Netpot 45buah, Rockwool,TDS-3/Pengukur PPM 1buah, Pompa air (arus DC) 22 watt ,bak penampung (timba), Solar Panel, SCC, Baterai dan kabel, 1 set ABmix (2 botol 1,5 liter yang sudah tercampur air). Pertumbuhan sayuran pakcoi hari setelah tanam mengalami pertumbuhan yang bagus dengan daun yang lebar dan kehijauan. Pemberian nutrisi yang tepat dengan pengecekan setiap minggu. Kebutuhan Nutrisi mingguan pada Hari Setelah Tanam (HST) dengan mengukur ppm 550  sampai dengan 1100 hingga pemanenan Kata kunci — Solar Panel, Hidroponik, Nutrisi, HS

    Network Security Using Honeypot and Attack Detection with Android Application

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    Network security is now increasingly needed in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. As technology grows, cybercrimes are becoming more and more common, including attacks on a resource. At this time, honeypots are also widely used by large industries for network security, besides that honeypots are also useful for them in developing intrusion and preventing systems. Honeypots are usually used in a virtual environment, they will stimulate a fake system to capture data packets on the network and be analysed offline later for all threats and attacks. This propose of this paper is to detect and prevent building attacks from computer network attackers using an android application. This application can monitor an attack on the server by installing a honeypot tool into the server as an attack detector, then the honeypot log is used as a Rest API using Django framework with MongoDB database. this application can find out if there is an attack on the server, and can block the attacker's IP address

    Smart System and Monitoring of Vanammei Shrimp Ponds

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    Aquaculture has become one of the livelihoods for people who live near the shore. Fish, shrimp, and crabs are cultivated using the traditional method, which still involves workers checking the vanammei shrimp pond's condition directly on site. We present a new technology for fish farming by using automation. An automation system is needed to control the system remotely so that the farmers can easily access the Water temperature, pH, and Salinity information. The proposed system consists of several parts; the first one is the sensors connected to the Arduino board, which is already equipped with the WeMos D1 mini-module (ESP8266EX). The module can connect the Arduino board to the web server and then transmit the data obtained from reading the temperature, pH, and Salinity sensors. Furthermore, the data will be stored on the webserver and processed and presented in graphical form—each sensor (pH, Salinity, Temperature) working based on the fuzzy logic rule. An android application also create to display the water condition of each shrimp pond. The Android application provides the reporting of daily monitoring of the pH, Salinity, and Temperature. The application also provides the control system to turn on/off the smart system; if the water condition is experiencing changes, the app will send a notification into the Smartphone. The weather changes have an impact on the success level of vannamei shrimp cultivation. Continuous rain conditions can adversely affect ponds' pH water conditions, temperature changes occurring pond water, changes in salinity and acidity, and hardness of the ponds water. Using a mobile application to monitor all parameters related will improve fish and shrimp cultivation

    Optimalisasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Mushollah Darussalam Desa Lemahbangdewo Rogojampi Kabupaten Banyuwangi Berbasis Green Area (Sebagai Area Resapan) Guna Meningkatkan Kenyamanan

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    Mushollah Darussalam merupakan mushollah fasilitas sosial (Fasos) yang disediakan oleh developer guna menunjang aktivitas ibadah bagi warga muslim di Perumahan Citra Garden. Mushollah Darussalam memiliki halaman yang cukup luas namun menimbulkan kesan kurang luas, akibat dari belum tertatanya halaman Mushollah secara optimal. Kondisi yang kotor, rimbun dan tidak tertata mengurangi keindahan dan kenyamanan masyarakat desa Lemahbangdewo dalam beraktivitas dan beribadah. Metode : Kegiatan ini merupakan upayaupaya guna mengoptimalisasi RTNH Mushollah Darussalam dengan konsep green area. Halaman mushollah ditata dan dilapisi material pengerasan agar bersih, luas dan rapi namun tetap mengoptimalkan fungsinya sebagai area resapan. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan dengan alur pelaksanaannya yang meliputi survey lokasi dan pengukuran lokasi, koordinasi hasil survey dan penyusunan draf gambar rencana, penyusunan desain RTNH, koordinasi dan penyampaian hasil penyusunan gambar rencana dan penerapan gambar rencana serta penerapan teknologi tepat guna. Hasil : Kegiatan ini berhasil memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya penataan area terbuka. Kegiatan ini berhasil mengubah wajah halaman Mushollah Darussalam yang awalnya kotor, rimbun dan tidak tertata menjadi rapi, bersih, menimbulkan kesan luas dan asri. Penataan landscape dikombinasikan dengan taman dan material berpori sehingga area resapan masih berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Dengan dilakukannya penataan landscape halaman mushollah, masyarakat bisa melakukan aktivitas luar ruangan di halaman mushollah Darussalam.Mushollah Darussalam merupakan mushollah fasilitas sosial (Fasos) yang disediakan oleh developer guna menunjang aktivitas ibadah bagi warga muslim di Perumahan Citra Garden. Mushollah Darussalam memiliki halaman yang cukup luas namun menimbulkan kesan kurang luas, akibat dari belum tertatanya halaman Mushollah secara optimal. Kondisi yang kotor, rimbun dan tidak tertata mengurangi keindahan dan kenyamanan masyarakat desa Lemahbangdewo dalam beraktivitas dan beribadah. Metode : Kegiatan ini merupakan upayaupaya guna mengoptimalisasi RTNH Mushollah Darussalam dengan konsep green area. Halaman mushollah ditata dan dilapisi material pengerasan agar bersih, luas dan rapi namun tetap mengoptimalkan fungsinya sebagai area resapan. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan dengan alur pelaksanaannya yang meliputi survey lokasi dan pengukuran lokasi, koordinasi hasil survey dan penyusunan draf gambar rencana, penyusunan desain RTNH, koordinasi dan penyampaian hasil penyusunan gambar rencana dan penerapan gambar rencana serta penerapan teknologi tepat guna. Hasil : Kegiatan ini berhasil memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya penataan area terbuka. Kegiatan ini berhasil mengubah wajah halaman Mushollah Darussalam yang awalnya kotor, rimbun dan tidak tertata menjadi rapi, bersih, menimbulkan kesan luas dan asri. Penataan landscape dikombinasikan dengan taman dan material berpori sehingga area resapan masih berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Dengan dilakukannya penataan landscape halaman mushollah, masyarakat bisa melakukan aktivitas luar ruangan di halaman mushollah Darussalam